Friday, July 16, 2010

Double nickels

Today is S's birthday. He was looking forward to this one in particular, because a couple of years ago he thought of a way to mess with people. The exchange would have gone something like this:

"Happy birthday," his victim would say. "How old are you?"

"Forty-four," S would reply. "Double nickels!"

Then he would walk away and leave them to figure it out.

I thought of that a dozen times today. It encapsulates how smart, funny and absolutely maddening he could be. I thought of how many times he told me he was looking forward to today, and wondered why all of the things he had to look forward to weren't enough for him to stay alive.


  1. Hugs. A hard day for you. Glad you had something to make you smile.

  2. i always try to think of something to say here and usually can't. today is no exception. so i will just babble because i want you to know that i read this.

    p.s i don't get it. you can explain it to me when i pick you up at the airport. :)

  3. Thinking of you often, and admire your writings and your strength. Like the way you roll, too, btw. : )

  4. Happy birthday, S. Happy day-day, J.
    I confess I have been googling to figure this out (unsuccessfully), so S managed to mess with several of us today (for some in the way he intended, and for you, in the way he did not) .

  5. OK, here's the explanation for the non-joke. A nickel is $.05, so in his mind, double nickels would be 55. But by the time the listener figured out that he was 44 and not 55, he would be long gone. It is SO not funny, but he was convinced it would be hilarious.


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