Wednesday, July 21, 2010

14 things I do now that I didn't do before

  1. pay the bills
  2. lock the house at night
  3. mow the lawn
  4. grill food
  5. buy plane tickets
  6. rent movies
  7. check the weather report
  8. move furniture
  9. buy batteries
  10. change the air conditioning filters
  11. set the clocks
  12. take out the trash
  13. troubleshoot wireless connectivity issues
  14. kill bugs


  1. Ooo - I may steal this idea myself. My list will differ as I only didn't do #s 3, 4, 8 and 13 beforehand. On the up side, I now know how to check the oil and water in my car!
    Seriously though - did you feel a little resentful the first times you did the "new" jobs? I know I tend to get really angry with G that HE isnt here to do them anymore (which I know is kinda pointless) but it's either curse him not being here to do them... or cry....

  2. Feel free to steal the idea! I was always responsible for my own car (the only difference now is that no one questions my decisions). I was really resentful for a while, now I just feel impossibly busy. I don't know how single parents do everything they need to do and stay sane.


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